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Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Scanner Monitoring

If you have information about radio communications, scanner monitoring, or related comments, please post them here.


Anonymous said...

Ive been toying with the idea of an outside antenna but not sure of what type i should use, what do others use?

Anonymous said...

I will tell you this.. If you wanted to spend some money and get a brand new trunk tracker, the handheld I bought ROUTINELY recieved the cape with just the rubber antenna it came with. I was in the engine yesterday listening to harwich like they were the next town over, and I live in Fairhaven. The new bearcat handheld trunktracker. It cost about 550 but was well worth the investment.

Anonymous said...

With the trunked system on Cape you don't need an outside antenna. But you also don't need to spend $500+ for a digital scanner. You can purchase an analog trunk tracker for under $250. The cape fire/police on not digital.

Anonymous said...

Ya, not right now, But with in a year the cape 800 system will be digital.

Anonymous said...

I know the rebanding is happening, but I have been told we are not going digital. Is that something new?

Anonymous said...

In the scanner world, most handheld scanners work well with a rubber ducky. An outside antenna is almost always better. As a ham radio operator, we say "the higher, the better" for outside antennas. As far as re-banding of the 800 system, that is supposed to be completed this Summer. You will need a digital scanner, as most if not all analogs cannot be re-programmed for the new system. I would wait for the re-banding to be completed before I buy a new scanner. I have 3 analog scanners that will become paper weights when everything is completed.

Anonymous said...

I am looking for a mts 2000 800 mhz handi talki to purchase. Can anyone help me out?